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Integrating WordPress with Bing Search API

Ensuring your website’s visibility on search engines like Bing is paramount to online success.

While often overshadowed by its competitors, Microsoft Bing offers unique opportunities for website owners to reach a broader audience.

CrawlWP is a powerful and user-friendly SEO plugin for WordPress that helps site owners enhance and track their website’s visibility on Microsoft Bing Search.

CrawlWP enables you to submit your WordPress posts, pages, and content to Bing for indexing using the Bing indexing API. It needs to be connected to Bing API through an API key to do this.

Creating Your Bing Search API Credentials

Before we continue with this guide, it is important you first add your website to Bing Webmaster Tools. After which, you create an OAuth app.

To generate your Bing API key, needed by CrawlWP to connect your WordPress site to Bing Search, log in to Bing Webmaster Tools 

Click the Settings icon at the top-right-hand corner of your screen and select “API access”.

bing webmaster settings menu

On the API access screen, select “API Key”.

bing webmaster tools api key settings menu

If you don’t already have a Bing API key generated, click the Generate API Key button.

bing webmaster tools api key settings page

You should now see the Bing API key you generated. Copy it and save it somewhere, as we need it below.

bing webmaster tools generated api key

Integrating Bing API with CrawlWP in WordPress

Follow the steps below to integrate the API key we generated in CrawlWP, so your WordPress website can connect to the Bing search engine.

Login to your WordPress admin dashboard and go to CrawlWP >> Settings >> API Settings >> Bing API.

Paste your Bing API key in the appropriate text field and save.

crawlwp bing api settings in WordPress

Don’t forget to save the changes when done.

After successfully integrating WordPress with Bing using CrawlWP, your website can now perform actions such as (automatically) submitting your WordPress posts, pages, and other content for indexing to Microsoft Bing.

In conclusion, using CrawlWP on your WordPress site opens a powerful avenue for enhancing your WordPress site’s visibility on Microsoft Bing.

Embrace the power of CrawlWP, stay proactive with your SEO efforts, and watch your WordPress website online presence flourish.

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